Kazuo Kawai
Hirox-USA and Seika Machinery, Inc.
River Edge, NJ, USA and Torrance, CA, USA
info@hirox-usa.com and info@seikausa.com
Lead-free solders are said to cause various problems such as lack of self-alignment, bridges, solder balls, insufficient wetting, dendrites, pits, voids and peeling of soldering land. Also, on miniaturized lands, there may occur insufficient melting of solder paste. Even though these problems have not yet been resolved, lead-free soldering technologies have already been introduced at mass production sites. Most of these problems basically arise from heightened packaging temperature requirements in line with higher melting points of soldering materials.
Inspection of manufactured products to determine quality of the temperature profile and proper solder connection needs to be done with a high performance inspection system.
This technical paper and presentation will go over defects that can be uncovered by a high performance inspection system and merits of capturing images of such defects early during the assembly process. Without detection there may be a risk of damaging PCBs or parts that require rework. As well, serious quality problems or failures in the market after production may occur. The longer the lag time in detection of the defects, the higher the percentage of PCBs that may be scrapped. Therefore, inspection should take place at the earliest possible stage. Current technology available with a high end digital microscope will allow for immediate and thorough discovery of these defects which is of vital importance for SMT assembly.
Since lead-free solders were introduced to PCB assemblies, many soldering issues have arisen and for many, remain unsolved. This case study introduces the advantages of utilizing the digital microscope to identify soldering defects and root causes to improve productivity of lead-free soldering.
Although leaded and lead-free solders are different in their melting point, the basic theory in the SMT process, including temperature profiles, is still the same. However, the spreading property of lead-free solder is inferior to leaded solders. Therefore, determining good lead-free solder joints requires more detailed inspections than lead ones.
The appearance of flux residue helps to provide enough information for the temperature conditions of the solder joints being inspected. If wrong temperature conditions are used during the soldering process, there is a good chance ofvoids and insufficient spreading of solder. Observation of flux residue in addition to light reflection and shape of solder fillets are essential in the inspection of lead-free solder joints.
The following will provide the reader with many examples and various uses of a Digital Microscope as an exterior inspection as well as defect analysis tool for SMT. It is important as well to consider in the following pages, a comparison between Stereo Microscopy, lighting techniques, and use of adapters to aid inspection.
Key words: Digital Microscope, 360° Rotational Adapter, BGA Inspection Lens
LEAD-FREE SOLDER AND DIGITAL MICROSCOPYExterior Observation Using a Digital Microscope System
Excluding temperature profile graphs and X-ray imaging, all of the following images provided for visual aid of PCB components and BGA’s were captured with a Digital Microscope. The multiple oblique angles shown in the images are made possible by a 360° rotational adapter attached to the end of the Digital Microscope Lens itself. A specialized BGA lens allows for 90° inspection of BGA’s by means of a thin, flexible, plastic prim chip adapter. The benefit of using the 360° rotational adapter over stereo microscopy is in the rotation. Varying the angle of inspection on lead-free solder enhances assessment of solder shape and provides changes in reflection to help determine temperature profiles. This technique is not possible on lenses other than a Digital Microscope without configuring the lens, stage, and sample to fit the desired angle. In addition, by using a specialized BGA inspection lens, the same process described above can be applied when determining BGA shape and temperature profile. This simple yet beneficial approach to exterior observation can improve product quality on the production line. The addition of a Digital Microscope as a part of production rather than post- production Quality Control or Failure Analysis can support and expand the foundation of a company’s philosophy of quality and drive down costs on the product assembly line. The following nine sections will discuss the usefulness of a Digital Microscope as a part of PCB production and the potential effect its use can impart to product quality.
BRINGING THE DIGITAL MICROSCOPE TO THE PRODUCTION FLOORAny inspection done in-line during product assembly has to be quick, easy, and accurate in order to be seamlessly inserted into a company’s current standards for production. A Digital Microscope can cover both of these necessities while providing high quality images wherein observations and judgments can be made in seconds, observing defects before they reach Quality Control or Failure Analysis Divisions. This can potentially save time and money by integrating aspects of QC/FA into the production line, as well as help Process Engineering Teams attain solutions to problems more quickly.
The first portion to follow begins with examples concerning flux residue, and the ability of the 360° rotational adapter to gain information that up until now could not be easily gathered and stored by a stereo microscope. The sections following that will further support the use of a Digital Microscope, its rotational adapter, and the BGA inspection lens directly on the production line.
Judgment of Thermal Balance with Inspection of Flux ResidueNote: To see flux residue easily, leads were intentionally shifted from the lands (Figure 1A, 1B).
Access to these views have not been obtained by shifting or angling the PCB in any way, but were identified and captured using the 360° rotational adapter without having to manipulate the PCB in any way. Such rotation can easily show the flux residue as in these examples: showing flux spattering, Figure 1A (before pre-heat fan speed change), normal flux residue, Figure 1B (after pre-heat fan speed slow down), normal flux residue condition, Figure 2A and flux bridging, Figure 2B.